Projects and cooperation

Projects and cooperation

Since its foundation, “Faculty of Business Economics” has been carrying out extensive educational and scientific-research cooperation with various universities, scientific institutions and development programs from the USA and the EU. From its establishment in 2006 until today, FBE has carried out various types of project activities: Within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, the FBE teaching staff has completed study stays followed by lectures at the following higher education European institutions :
  • Martin Kiselicki, MSc, Global OPORTO University, Porto, Portugal, April, 2019
  • Dr. Azemina Masović, Higher Vocational School, Celje, Slovenia, May 2019
  • Dr. Sladjana Stojanovska, International Business School Botevgrad, Bulgaria, 2019
  • Dr. Krste Shajnoski, International Business School, Sofia, Bulgaria, May, 2019
  • Martin Stojanović, MA, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, May, 2018.
  • Dr. Aneta Vasiljevic-Sikaleska, International Business School Sofia, Bugarija, June, 2018
  • Dr. Biljana Gjozinska, International Business School Sofia, Bulgaria, June, 2018
  • Dr. Aneta Vasiljevic-Sikaleska, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, October 2018.
  • Martin Kiselicki, M.Sc., University of Economics & Culture, Riga, Latvia, April, 2018
  • Dr. Biljana Gjozinska, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, October 2018.
  • Dr. Sladjana Stojanovska, Higher Vocational School, Celje, Slovenia, 2018
  • Dr. Zhanina Kirovska, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, October 2015
  • Todor Milczewski, MA, University of Economics in Wroclaw, Poland, March, 2013
  • The teaching staff of FBE is also active through the CEEPUS program, within the framework of which professors Azemina Mashović and Aneta Vasiljevic-Šikaleska had a seven-day stay and two-day lectures at the Faculty of Economics, Podgorica, Montenegro in April, 2019.
  • In the role of visiting professors at FBE through the “Fulbright” program, Prof. Michele O’Neill (2007) and Prof. Vesna Stojanova (2008) at the University of Idaho in the role of visiting professor and scientific researcher.
  • Within the framework of the research project funded by the University of Delaware, SAD at FBE was taught by Prof. Harley Johansen (2008);
  • Dr Manfred Buch participated as a guest lecturer within the project for the development of a national strategy for sustainable development, funded by SIDA-Sweden.
  • Scientific research projects:
The Faculty of Business Economics has rich experience in international projects in partnership with prominent European higher education institutions, namely: o Introducing modern learning methods in Macedonia using Italian experiences, in partnership with the University of Modena (Italy), KEP ITALY, 2020 o Economics of Sustainability (EoS) – in partnership with the University of Economics – Katowice, University of Florence, University of Maribor, College of Financial Management – Zagreb. Vilnius University of Applied Sciences, Erasmus+ KA203, 2019/2022 o BEET (Build-Up Skills – Builders Energy Efficiency Training), Horizon 2020, 2014/2016. o Analyzing the perspectives of the labor market in the Vardar region in Macedonia, IPA, 2016/2018. o Employment policies, Regional project financed by the Friedrich Ebert-Skopje Foundation, 2011; o GTZ-CIM-DGS-FBE – energy efficiency, a project financed by GTZ is also implemented with training of its own staff within the solar school of Dr. Uwe Hartman, in the period from 2008-2011; o Integration of the multi-ethnic workforce in economies in transition Case study for Macedonia, 2008-2009; o Toward a sustainable think-thank, USAID, 2006-2008 o Zero corruption in the private sector, Norwegian Government and NGO Zero Corruption – Transparency, 2007 o Entrepreneurship Education -TTT (BSOs & BAs), GFA, EUROPEAID/ August-December, 2006 o Strengthening the capacities of the state administration for the development of the SME sector (ministries, non-governmental associations and organizations) within the project “SME development, EUROPEAID/119711/D/SV/MK, 2005-2006; o Partnership for Lifelong Education, ETF-Torino, September-December, 2005-2006 Entrepreneurial Education in the Western Balkans; o The Sustainable Development Department of two European programs, COST MP701 and COSTFA0904 o Project from the program “Europe for citizens” on the topic “Exchange of values”   More application and research projects are realized through
  • Promotion and encouragement of female entrepreneurship , donor: Gazi Baba municipality, 2019
  • The possibilities and perspectives of the labor market – Specialized study for the Vardar planning region , IPA project (component IV), 2016-2018 Energy Efficient Public Services at the local level” , with support from the Center for Institutional Development – CIRa and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation , (2011-2012);
  • Application of waste management practices and the possibility of using it as a renewable energy source , with support from the World Bank (2011-2012); Promotion
  • on regional development policies by sharing the German and Slovenian experience , with support from the European Fund for the Balkans (2012);
  • With a business plan to success , with support from the City of Skopje (2012);
  • Energy-efficient local government, with support from the Center for Institutional Development – CIRa and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Scientific research projects are also implemented through the Institute of Business Economics: o ISPEHE (Innovative Strategic Partnership for European Higher Education) – Erasmus+ KA203, 2015/2016 o SPIDE (Strategic Partnership for Innovation and Development of Entrepreneurship), Erasmus+ KA203, 2017/2018 o Creation of a Support Net for Local and Italian SMEs in Macedonia (FYROM), Bosnia-Herzegovina and Bulgaria; o Technical Assistance to establish Fashion and Textile Cluster – Turkey; o Implementation of the “European Charter for Small-sized Enterprises” in Croatia; o Mercati Aperti (Open Markets); o Decentralized Co-operation Program “Croatia / Sub-Danubian Area”; o Assistance on Development of National SME Strategy and Action Plan, Preparation of Project Documents for Pilot Actions; o Regional Socio-Economic Development Initiatives in Vojvodina – ISSER; o Preparation of the “Eastern Anatolia Development Program”; o Evaluation finale du program pluriannual de microrealisations (PPMR); o Balcani online – The Balkans on-line; o ACCESS – Actively Coaching and promoting Cooperation in the light of Enlargement for Small and Sole proprietor businesses; o Republic of Serbia: Regional Socio-economic Development Initiatives Program; o Looking Eastwards: Challenges and Opportunities for Innovative Companies in EU Border Regions (LOOK – EAST NET).   International seminars, symposia and study stays. From the foundation until today, FBE lecturers are involved in scientific research work through several activities:
  • Participation in the international Erasmus+ week for sustainable development in business and economy, organized every year by FBE in cooperation with the Institute of Business Economics
  • Participation in the international conference on sustainable development in business and economy, organized every year by the Institute of Business Economics in cooperation with FBE
o Participation in summer schools at the University of Bologna, in Cervia and Florence (Italy); o Study stays at the scientific research institute ICTP-CNR in Naples (Italy), the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) and the University of Wroclaw (Poland); o Invited lectures and poster presentations at international symposia and workshops at higher education institutions in Maribor (Slovenia), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Riga (Latvia), Salerno (Italy), Valencia (Spain) , Cranfield University (Bedfordshire, Great Britain) , University of Technology in Wroclaw (Poland) , Faculty of Economics (Poland), o Participation in the selection of the best essay organized by the World Bank, where our lecturers won the first place (link) ; o Participation in the EUREGIA international congress in Leipzig (2012).   International cooperation agreements with foreign universities: Within the framework of international cooperation, FBE has concluded several cooperation agreements with prominent universities:
  • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration
  • University of Economics and Culture, Riga, Latvia
  • University of Idaho-Moscow, USA;
  • One student from FBE studied for one year at the University of Idaho (2008), and one American student from the same University was on a research stay at our Faculty.
  • International Business School, Botevgrad, Bulgaria (International Business School)
  • PIM University, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (University of Business Engineering and Management) (for academic cooperation and mobility)
  As well as for the mobility of teaching staff and students, within the Erasmus+ program with: During the reporting period, within the framework of the Erasmus mobility program, FBE has concluded several cooperation agreements, and they are as follows with:
  • Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland
  • Global Oporto University, Portugal
  • The University of Economics in Bydgoszcz, Poland
  • Celje School of Economics, Slovenia
  • International Business School, Bulgaria
  • University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • University of Economics in Katowice
  • Virovitica College, Croatia
  • MUS Alparslan University, Turkey
  • Marmara University, Turkey
  • WSB University in Wroclaw, Poland
  • University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Erudio College, Slovenia
  Training schools and trainings: o International training school in the field of sustainable development, supported by the EU project COST FA0904 . o Training on “Introduction to regional development and regional management” and “Strategic planning process” . o Training on “Financial Management” . o Training on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, supported by the Education Development Bureau o The trainings organized as part of the project “Capacity building sequence for the partners on regional and operational level”, supported by GIZ – Regional and local economic development in R. Macedonia (RED). Publishing activities: Within the framework of the publishing activity, FBE publishes: o The Scientific Journal of Sustainable Development (Journal of Sustainable Development), an international journal with an international editorial board (twice a year) o Book of abstracts from the International Conference on Sustainable Development in Business and Economy (once a year) o The Student Newspaper – Student Voice